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I'm Currently teaching individual and group Zoom Qigong lessons.


I am teaching a free Zoom Qigong class on Thursday mornings. Please note that class will continue to be on Thursdays, but the time will change based on where I am located. Currently, class is meeting at 10:00 a.m. EDT. If you would like to join us, please email me for the Zoom link by the Wednesday before class. 


​In my group Qigong classes, I guide students through a series of warm-ups, stretching, and flowing movements that activate and guide the Qi through the body. Each class is followed by a guided or silent meditation. Individual lessons are designed around each person's individual needs and intentions for the sessions. 


Regarding the fee for my Zoom Qigong class:

I started this Zoom Qigong class at the beginning of pandemic as a way for me to stay engaged with my Qigong practice and provide some joy to myself and others by sharing the practice. It continues to give me great joy and because of that, I will continue to offer Thursday Zoom Qigong on a complimentary basis. 


Related to that, I do have a thought that I'd like to share with you. If you find my Zoom Qigong class beneficial, I hope you will consider, in lieu of paying me, paying it forward.  Perhaps you could donate to a charity of your choice or share some of the benefits you’ve received through the practice of Qigong with others who might benefit from your smile, your gifts, your love or your grace.  You could even refer a friend to join the class.  Should you choose to participate in an act of kindness because of Zoom Qigong, I hope you will share your experience with me - I'd love to hear about what you did and the impact it had on you and others and, with your permission, post it to my website for others to see. I really believe our acts of kindness can make a difference in the state of our world! I have been asked to provide some ideas for some causes I'm interested in. Here is my list.




"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be."  

Lao Tzu

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